(06672)242925, 9937673774 rtmkvis@gmail.com
Accroding to the circulars of Government of India, ministry of finance Department of financial service, New Delhi. NABARD, Odisha, Bhubaneswar supported to the ac-tive N.G.D. of this District "Rural Technology & managemant & khadi & village Industrise samiti to strengthen the SHGs as an Ancher N.G.O. hence RTMKVIS has formed & strengthembed 283 women SHGs from among poverty striken blew poverty line fami-lies of Dharamgarh, Koksarat Jaipatna, Junagarh, Kalampur & Golamunda Blocks we have formed 75 SHGs at Dharamgarh Block, 87 SHGs at Koksara Block and 121 SHGs at Jaipatna Block and managing them property. All the guest particepants were suggested the group members towards their self employ-ment and to .establish cottage industries in small scale like broom binding, bamboo, crafts which will give scope for their better livelihood. The CDPO advised to the secretary RTMKVIS to take initiation for gradation of SHG and one is agreed to support Rs.10,0001 - to each suitable group as revovling fund. Apart from this the facilitators advise the groups to involve in social activies like cleaning of rood, drinking water use of latrine, sending their children to school, conflict resolution in the villages level. Using of common property without misuse to maintain heathy life.
Empowering women SHGs & federations r-is our motto. Many attempts are taken through our organisation to strengthen the newly formed federations. During this re-porting year. RTMKVIS organised two gen-eral meeting and encourged the SHG lead-ers to fight for their rights. The project staff are giving their hand holding support to conduct on agenda based meeting of the federations and supporting to prepare the busines plan and approaching bankers & other financial institutions for loan support to carry out the different planned trades which will definitely improve their livelihood similarly the members of the federations are advised to involve in social develop-mental activites to improve their commu-nity along with their financial development.
During the reporting year RTMKVIS has mitir L. s been organized 6 nos of capacity building training programmes for the weak SHGs in rural pockets of our operational blocks. The real objective of this kind of training is to build the capacity of poor SHG members towards their group management on self help system and maintain the book keeping and updating along with inculcating regular saving, LL-3 regular meeting, proper management of loan money.